The easiest possible braid is a smooth, strong, three-strand framework in some countries/cases known as a plait. More complicated braids can be designed from an irrelavent (but usually odd) variety of lengths to make a broader variety of structures: broader ribbon-like groups, empty or strong round cables, or wide pads which look like a standard verticle with respect incorporate.Braids are widely used to make string, attractive things, and hairstyles[1] (also see pigtails, France braid). Complex braids have been used to make clinging fiber works of art. Tying or braiding is also used to get ready horses' manes and tails for displaying, polo and polocrosse.
Here is the top 5 hair braiding tutorials collection for you..
1.The French Fishtail -Hair braiding tutorials
Courtesy by http://kouturekiss.com
2.Braided bandwagon -hair braiding tutorials
Courtesy by http://www.ohsoprettythediaries.com
3.Braid-Wrapped Ponytail-hair braiding tutorials
Courtesy by http://pinterest.com/
4.MEDIEVAL BRAID - hair braiding tutorials
Coutesy by http://jointhemood.blogspot.com.es/
5.Bouffant-hair braiding tutorials
Courtesy by http://blog.modcloth.com/
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